The Trust Center
We take trust seriously.
Compliance Regulations & Standards
Third-Party Testing & Reviews
Secure Software Development
Comprehensive Business Continuity

Compliance Pack
Note you're only getting Public documents in this Compliance Pack download. To access Protected documents as well, send us a request.
Public Documents
Protected Documents
Public Documents
Protected Documents
This doc explains data flows and how we take care of
your data.
The options for and consequences of disabling Personably Identifiable
Information (PII) collection.
The licensing agreement (SaaS contract) between your
organization and ours.
Documentation of our perfect 100% score obtained from
the industry-standard securityscorecard.com.
The General Data Protection Regulation compliance
agreement - see how it protects you.
Our certification in the International Organization
for Standardization 27001, ISMS.
Certificate of Assurance of the UK Government National
Cyber Crime Security Centre program.
Our goals in relation to providing support to customers regarding
problems with Admin By Request software.
Protected Documents
Illustrates the architectural design of our software and systems.
Explains what you can do to as customer in case of outages.
Documentation of proper insurance coverage for FastTrack Software.
Penetration test of the endpoint software by independent security company.
Review of Azure setup by independent Microsoft Gold Partner.
Portal penetration test executed by independent security company.
Cloud Security Alliance - Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ).
Independent rating of financial health.
Public Documents
we take care of your data.
Information (PII) collection.
between your organization and ours.
agreement - see how it protects you.
for Standardization 27001, ISMS.
Protected Documents
independent security company.
independent security company.
in case of service outages.
coverage for FastTrack Software.
Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ).